Tuesday, October 28, 2008

God!im tired,like i woke up at 6.30 a.m and straight away to shower.and i was like in a rush to go to school.it was a 40 minute ride from ripas to school,it was crazy dude..i walked all the way to class with hazmi,and sat down..talked with joel.comes in amal and dna to my class,talking with jimah about something.amal say hai to me and waved,after a few minute,they left..after registration,went to Gp class.walking tiredlessly..seriously,im exhausted like i feel like i don't have any more energy in me..i presented our presentation where im feeling dizzy,thank god noramin filled me in.we learned about censorship and were divided into guys and girls groups..we were given an assignment which is due on thursday.we were ask to present it using powerpoint..then chemistry class.we learned about ketones and a little bit of aldehyde..and again,i still manage to answer the questions even though im out of favour..breaktime,nothing much about it.i feel sleepy~next is biology,one teacher finally notices me im weary..we learned about glycolysis..learned new words,'phosphorylation''nitroamines adenine dinucleotides(nad)'..maths was bored.wafi still pissed off about yesterday,so he intimidate everyone..i went home early today cause i had to go back to hospital with my sis,to watched over my mum..when my mum awakes,we talked about stuffs.we went home at 8..and come back again at 9.30,sleepover there.i don't want to go to school tomorrow cause i know i'll be worn off like an empty balloon

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